Israel Preps for Lethal Virus Outbreak


President Donald Trump and his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu gave each other an obligatory round of applause as they unveiled yet another Middle East peace plan on national television. Behind closed doors, however, Netanyahu dropped a bombshell so shocking that it caused a tremor of palpable fear to resonate through Trump’s body. The embattled Israeli Prime Minister confessed that Mossad operatives in China had learned a terrible truth: That Xi Jinping orchestrated a global coverup and media blackout to suppress the factual number of infected persons and fatalities across the disease-ridden nation.

Israeli intelligence officers, Netanyahu told Trump, had quickly learned that the number of virus victims eclipsed figures released by China’s State-run media, which currently stand at 106. The actual number of dead is closer to 3,000, with over 100,000 suspected cases, Netanyahu said, citing an internal Mossad memo.  Moreover, he gave Trump a paper, authored by Israeli epidemiologist Dr. Michael Frieger, that estimates the number of infected persons worldwide will exceed 253 million by February 15, just two short weeks away.

If so, multiple health systems across the world would collapse, and hospitals would be overcrowded beyond the ability to test and treat most patients. It predicts an overall societal collapse, and forecasts a doomsday-like scenario in which governments—unless a global quarantine is immediately implemented—will be compelled to isolate hundreds of millions of people in major metropolitan areas, while millions more self-isolate in cities, towns, and villages. For this model to fail, Dr. Frieger wrote, the world must agree to a moratorium on international travel by February 3 and local travel within affected countries must stop no later than February 5. Failure to enact these precautions would spark a global, catastrophic pandemic.

Netanyahu told Trump Israel is prepared to take radical safeguards to protect itself against the virulent pathogen and that he is ready to act if even a handful of confirmed cases surface in Israel. Those safeguards presumably include deploying the IDF to forcibly stop travelers from entering Israel by land or by sea. The IAF, Netanyahu added, may have to enforce a no-fly zone around the nation and without warning shootdown infringing aircraft, especially ones that originate from known virus hotspots.

Israeli Ministry of Health chairman Yaakov Litzman has weighed the merits of suspending air travel, and he advised Netanyahu to halt incoming and outgoing international traffic before the virus becomes a problem too insurmountable for Israel to handle.  If the virus proliferates among the Israeli population, Netanyahu is apparently willing to sacrifice countless lives to stem the contagion.

A White House source familiar with their conversation said the following: “Netanyahu told POTUS as a last resort the IDF might be ordered to fire on citizens to control the virus. He also hinted that the IAF, gruesome as it sounds, might drop napalm on greatly infected population centers to kill the virus and, incidentally, its hosts. Of course, this was if, and only if, a China-sized epidemic strikes Israel.”

Meanwhile, Israeli engineers have been spotted fortifying both the West Bank Barrier and the 150-mile border fence that separates Israel and Egypt, ostensibly to keep potentially infected persons from contaminating the Israeli population.

Trump was reportedly visibly shaken at Netanyahu’s callous disregard for human life. He agreed that Netanyahu had a right to protect Israel and its interests but attacked the notion of killing one’s own citizens to save a nation.

“I hope it doesn’t come to that, Benny. Because that’s a bad idea. A really, really bad idea that shouldn’t be on the table. Especially not from you. And not from anyone,” Trump purportedly said.

Trump said his “people” had a different take on the virus; reports of mass proliferation were apocryphal stories promoted by Fake News media and internet conspiracy theorists.

Note: The author presents this information for consideration only. While he believes such a conversation occurred between Trump and Netanyahu, he questions the “data” offered up by Netanyahu. The author acknowledges that the Israeli government thrives on subterfuge and may be misrepresenting data for its own unknown goals.

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