An unpublished Russian study created to ascertain the cause of a marked increase in sudden onset respiratory failure among the population has revealed high concentrations of iron oxide in the atmosphere over Russia and other parts of the globe.

In November, at the behest of Russian healthcare providers, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia launched a comprehensive investigation in hopes of discovering why otherwise healthy individuals were developing cysts and fiber-like particulates in their lungs, resulting in an untold number of fatalities and lengthy, costly, hospital visits.

The study targeted the city of Samara, where in one week forty-six persons reported cases of respiratory distress. Only two were smokers and none had occupational hazards typically associated with breathing abnormalities. In sixteen cases, all of which proved fatal, a micrograph of the patients’ lungs evidenced conspicuous cysts and tumors consistent with prolonged exposure to harmful substances like asbestos. At least three patients, the study indicated, had recently been given a clean bill of health by their primary care physicians after receiving chest X-rays for common ailments.

The Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency took extensive water and soil samples. They found trace amounts of contamination, although not potent enough to correlate with the string of recent ailments. They then changed focus, concentrating on the sky above rather than the ground below, and made a startling discovery that sent shockwaves through much of the nation’s scientific community. They discovered the atmosphere above the region was saturated with high unnatural concentrations of red iron oxide, a chemical compound found in abundance on the Earth itself but not in space; oxidation requires oxygen, which thins at altitude and is non-existent in the vacuum of space. Nevertheless, verified measurements detected concentrations as high as four parts per million in the affected area. For comparison, a 1986 EPA study stated that concentrations in excess of .0.3 parts per million in H2o could cause organ failure.

On November 18, the Chemical and Biological agency began clinical studies on laboratory rats, exposing them to the pollutants. In all cases, the rats died within four days of exposure.

No explanation was given for the presence of iron oxide, and the Russian Ministry of Defense classified the report. Neither the World Health Organization nor the CDC was made aware of the alarming discovery.

We asked one of our sources, Russian astronomer and Nibiru whistle-blower Dr. Dyomin Damir Zhakarovich to comment on the report. He presented two equally frightening scenarios. Either someone is intentionally spraying the chemical into the atmosphere or, he believes, the red iron oxide is a product of the Nibiru system, a brown dwarf star shrouded by billowing clouds of red iron oxide dust that extend a million miles in every direction from the center of the system.

“Even if the planetary system and it’s red iron oxide dust is not close enough to permeate the atmosphere, and it may well be, there is another explanation. Within this system are tens of thousands of asteroids and meteorites. All have inherited the iron oxide properties. They swirl about the system in a cosmic whirlpool, and sometimes, much like would happen on a billiard table, they clash together. The kinetic energy ejects them from the system in the direction of Earth.”

He says this explains the recent uptick in fireball and meteor sightings, and believes they approach earth at speeds exceeding 180,000mph. If true, his theory might explain why early warning systems—NASA, NORAD, etc.—are caught off-guard by small earth-bound objects and notice larger near-earth collision asteroids only days before such events are officially reported.

“It doesn’t matter if an asteroid vaporizes before striking the planet. The iron oxide is contained within it and its tail. The friction associated with reentry may cause the chemical to lose its color, but it still penetrates the atmosphere and can prove lethal in large enough quantities,” Dr. Zhakarovich said.

He cites the 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor as a quintessential example. Although the meteor airburst at 18.5 miles above sea level, over 1500 people were injured seriously enough to seek medical attention. It is generally believed that a significant percentage of those 1500 died and the Russian government sealed medical records of the deceased.

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